30 Nov

Sometimes you will need to set a plugin to have a step to fire on the creation of a record. You may also want the same plugin to handle the updating of the same entity type. So in order to determine what mode you are in, you can use the following code for the create…

2 Oct

A response from an OData query may give back a money value that you would like to put into a field on a CRM 2011 form. So to call and retrieve data from another entity using OData take a look here. In the response section of code you will need to manipulate the value that…

12 Sep

A question that is frequently asked about Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 is whether to host On Premise or in the Cloud, known as Dynamics CRM 2011 Online. There are technical and functional differences between the two options, there are business factors to consider and finally there is the cost difference to consider. These areas cover…

30 Aug

Recently we needed to access an entity records data within a Delete plugin step in order to delete other related data. The steps involved are slightly different from a create or update but also the step will need to be registered as “pre-operation”. So normally we would access the entity by using the following code….

15 Aug

The following javascript code can be added to lookups in order to get more data from related records. So lets create a function that takes the lookup value and then queries the CRM. In this example below we have a lookup to a project record from an entity called Timeslips. function GetProjectInfo() { //Getting the…